~♥~ About Me: DawnTreader ~♥~ Location: Sweden. ~♥~ My main blog: Beyond the Lone Islands ~♥~

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Monday, 8 November 2010

Stone Circle



In “the middle of Nowhere” there is an old stone circle.
(“Nowhere” is a translation of the name of the place,
rather than an accurate description of the present-day surroundings)


I took several photos experimenting a bit with exposure because the best view was against the light.
The one above came out the best, not as the most realistic, but as the most magical… ;)




Here is a shot from the other direction… a bit “tampered with”… compare below…






And here are both photos again, in b&w/sepia:




The stone circles of the Iron Age (ca. 500 BC – ca. 400 AD) were a characteristic burial custom of southern Scandinavia, especially on Gotland and in Götaland during the Pre-Roman Iron Age and the Roman Iron Age. In Sweden, they are called Domarringar (judge circles). The circles are usually round, or elongated ellipses. The stones may be very large and they are usually between 9 and 12. Sometimes there are as few as 6–8. Excavations have shown burnt coal in the centre of the circles and they are nowadays considered to be incineration graves. There is also a widespread tradition that the circles were used for so-called “things”, or general assemblies.

(Source: Wikipedia)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can't decide, i can't decide! I love them ALL! i think the first and last are my two favorites. i would LOVE to see this for myself. woww

Unknown said...

First image is fab. I love stone circles. I visited Stonehenge several years ago and it really impacted on me. It was a bit like Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I came back and couldn't stop drawing it a Richard Dreyfuss moment Ha. There is something very special and magical about these sites.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, golly! My absolute favorite is the night time one!! WAS it nighttime when you took it? So magical and wonderful!! Definately NOT nowhere!!! And I love all your info about this. For a rare time, you've left me with no questions! Wonderful post!

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

Wonderful series of photos. We see why you like the first photo best. It creates a very magical feel.

Darryl and Ruth : )

ADRIAN said...

The first shot is one you are rightly proud of. It is grand.
This is not tampering but presenting images at their best. Something I believe we all should do. If only because it doubles the photographers and hopefully the viewers pleasure.

DawnTreader said...

Thanks for all your encouraging comments.
Pictureit - I visited Stonehenge back in the early 70's and am glad to have seen it "with my own eyes" and not just pictures.
Ginny - It was not nighttime, it was around 10 am. The photo is underexposed.
Adrian - About the "tampering" I notice you sometimes point it out yourself with your own pictures ;) I guess it depends what we intend to use the photos for!

Dejemonos sorprender said...

Wao, this pictures are great.. I love the atmosphere that are there.. you have nice pictures here..


Awards given to DawnTreader's Picture Book

Over-the-Top Award from NPT @ The Nature..., 3 November 2009.
More info at The Island of the Voices.

'Blog of the Week' from Brett @ 365 to 42, 9 November 2009.

From Scriptor Senex @ Rambles From My Chair, 22 November 2009

About Me - DawnTreader

My photo
Västergötland, Sweden
PLEASE NOTE that this blog is no longer being updated, and comments are therefore closed.

Click on the picture to jump over to my "Island of the Voices" blog!

DawnTreader's Picture Book

For this blog, I have chosen a template that allows me to show pictures as big as possible . Some of the things you usually find in the sidebar, you will find here at the bottom of the page instead - Blog Archive, Followers etc.

My camera is a Nikon Coolpix 4600.
For basic editing of most photos and collages I use Picasa 3.
Sometimes I also experiment with some more "artistic" effects in Photoshop Elements or Paint Shop Pro.


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