~♥~ About Me: DawnTreader ~♥~ Location: Sweden. ~♥~ My main blog: Beyond the Lone Islands ~♥~

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Thursday, 9 September 2010

The Red Admiral Again




I finally managed to get closer to the Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta). This is a butterfly I don’t think I ever saw (noticed) until last summer, and it has been difficult getting close enough to it to get a good macro picture of it with its wings spread.

The wing span is 45-50 mm. The species is resident only in warmer areas, but migrates north in spring, and sometimes again in autumn. The caterpillar feeds on nettles, and the adult drinks from flowering plants like the Buddleja and overripe fruit. In northern Europe, it is one of the last butterflies to be seen before winter sets in. (Wikipedia)

Following the link to Buddleja, I also learned the name of those flowers in the park. It includes roughly 100 species. The generic name honours Reverend Adam Buddle (1662–1715), who was a botanist and a rector in Essex, England. Several species are popular garden plants. They are commonly known as butterfly bush due to their attractiveness to butterflies; they are also attractive to bees and moths.

I think the white ones below must be Buddleja too.



MadSnapper n Beau said...

great shot on the side wing view of the admiral. he looks just like ours. but mine was not close, i had to use the long lens. he is beautiful. most of our butterflies are gone now, we have a few giant swallowtails, which is our most common. but the exotic ones are gone for the summer.

Dan Felstead said...

Dawn Treader great pictures! This thing looks huge! We had a hummingbird moth that was large like this as well. Also beautiful "butterfly" plants especially the white one. I have never seen it before.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love all the info. This admiral is really calling me to attention, the best shots yet!!


Awards given to DawnTreader's Picture Book

Over-the-Top Award from NPT @ The Nature..., 3 November 2009.
More info at The Island of the Voices.

'Blog of the Week' from Brett @ 365 to 42, 9 November 2009.

From Scriptor Senex @ Rambles From My Chair, 22 November 2009

About Me - DawnTreader

My photo
Västergötland, Sweden
PLEASE NOTE that this blog is no longer being updated, and comments are therefore closed.

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DawnTreader's Picture Book

For this blog, I have chosen a template that allows me to show pictures as big as possible . Some of the things you usually find in the sidebar, you will find here at the bottom of the page instead - Blog Archive, Followers etc.

My camera is a Nikon Coolpix 4600.
For basic editing of most photos and collages I use Picasa 3.
Sometimes I also experiment with some more "artistic" effects in Photoshop Elements or Paint Shop Pro.


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