~♥~ About Me: DawnTreader ~♥~ Location: Sweden. ~♥~ My main blog: Beyond the Lone Islands ~♥~

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Sunday, 12 September 2010

Mosaic Monday: Himalayan Balsam


Compare my post from 20 August: Love Has Many Names.

For more Monday Mosaics, visit Mary’s Little Red House.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did the comparison and I like todays a little better. beautiful flowers and mosiaic. you are getting better and better and better.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, either the plants are prettier now, or your photography is better. The color today is paler and prettier. They look like sweet peas! In fact, that's what I thought they were at first.

DawnTreader said...

I really referred back to the other post mostly for the facts about the name... ;)

As for the photography: For one thing, the pictures in the two posts were taken in different places and in different light. The flowers themselves also come in a range of shades between white and dark pink. The photos in the earlier post were taken in sharp sunlight. Yesterday's were taken in rain - actually it was so dark that the flashlight came on in some photos...!

In this collage I've edited each picture before putting them together; blurring the foliage around the flowers.

Vee said...

What a beautiful flower. I don't believe that I've ever seen one before, but if I were to describe it, I'd call it a "ladyslipper" because it looks quite a bit like the ladyslippers that grow here in late May and early June.

Anja said...

Recently I saw a lot of Impatiens in the wood, when child they didn't grow in our woods. They are globetrotters.

Scriptor Senex said...

They can be a bit of a nuisance, taking over river banks and killing off the native flora. But they are lovely.


Awards given to DawnTreader's Picture Book

Over-the-Top Award from NPT @ The Nature..., 3 November 2009.
More info at The Island of the Voices.

'Blog of the Week' from Brett @ 365 to 42, 9 November 2009.

From Scriptor Senex @ Rambles From My Chair, 22 November 2009

About Me - DawnTreader

My photo
Västergötland, Sweden
PLEASE NOTE that this blog is no longer being updated, and comments are therefore closed.

Click on the picture to jump over to my "Island of the Voices" blog!

DawnTreader's Picture Book

For this blog, I have chosen a template that allows me to show pictures as big as possible . Some of the things you usually find in the sidebar, you will find here at the bottom of the page instead - Blog Archive, Followers etc.

My camera is a Nikon Coolpix 4600.
For basic editing of most photos and collages I use Picasa 3.
Sometimes I also experiment with some more "artistic" effects in Photoshop Elements or Paint Shop Pro.


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